Tips to Study For the CA Foundation Exams for June 2024

The CA Foundation exams are the first step in the process of earning the CA designation. The exam tests your knowledge of subjects like law, accounting, economics, business mathematics, etc. However, clearing the exam is a challenge. If you are planning to attempt the exam in 2024, then here are a few tips to improve your exam preparation. 

Important Exam Tips To Strengthen CA Foundation Exams 2024

1. Make a Timetable and Stick to It for CA Foundation Exams

The key to succeeding in the CA Foundation exams is disciplined and focused studying as per a well-planned timetable. Cover one subject at a time instead of studying different subjects randomly each day. Allocate sufficient time to each paper – a minimum of 8-10 hours per week for each subject. Set realistic daily goals and devote 8-10 hours daily to studying. Stick to your schedule diligently. Joining CA Foundation Classes can help you establish regular study habits and clear the exams. 

2. Focus on Fundamentals of CA Foundation Exams

CA Foundation exams test your understanding of the fundamental concepts. Thus, the focus should be on the basic principles, concepts, common terms, processes, techniques, and methods relevant to each subject. A thorough understanding of fundamentals is crucial to apply that knowledge to solving problems. Proper CA coaching like VSI Jaipur can help you clear your fundamentals. 

3. Pay Attention to Tricky Topics

While the syllabus overall focuses more on testing basics, there are a few tricky topics that need more attention as they carry higher weight or are conceptually difficult. For, e.g. in Accounts, focus more on journal entries, ledger postings, bank reconciliation statements, bills of exchange etc. In law, I understand technical concepts clearly. Identify such topics and spend more time understanding them.

4. Solve Revision Test Papers of CA Foundation Exams

Practising plenty of question papers as a part of your revision is a must. It will help you understand the exam pattern better and assess your knowledge levels. Solve previous years’ question papers as well as Mock Test Papers (MTPs). Appearing for ICAI’s model test papers conducted on the last Sunday of every month is highly recommended. Thoroughly analyze your performance to identify and improve weaker areas for your CA Foundation Exams.

5. Focus on Numerical Ability Portions

Numerical Ability is an important component of papers like Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning, and Statistics. Practice for speed and accuracy by solving previous years’ problems within the stipulated time limit. Try MCQ tests online to assess your skills. Work on your weaknesses by identifying which areas need more practice, such as tables, ratios, percentages, graphs, data interpretation, etc.

6. Give Equal Importance to All Subjects

Some students tend to focus more on accounts while ignoring other papers. However, it is important to put equal effort into studying all subjects in depth as an overall pass percentage of a minimum of 50% is necessary for a total of 40% in each subject to clear CA Foundation exams. Weaker subjects can drag your total score down, so avoid selective studies.

7. Clear All Your Doubts

It is common to have doubts and get stuck while self-studying a vast syllabus. Do not ignore doubts; I hope that these will get resolved later. Get them clarified as soon as possible by your coaching teacher if you are going to class or by an experienced CA mentor. ICAI also conducts webinars as doubt-solving sessions. Remaining doubts can hamper your overall understanding.

8. Follow Revision Schedule

After you complete the entire CA Foundation syllabus as per your timetable almost 2-3 months before exams, stick to the revision schedule religiously. Keep revising topics you have studied earlier, test your retention by solving MCQs and go through notes again. The last 1 month should be dedicated solely to quick daily revisions and taking mock tests to check preparedness.

9. Take Breaks to Remain Fresh

While following a rigorous study schedule for CA Foundation exams, remember to take sufficient breaks in between. Studying continuously for long hours can drain you mentally and impact efficiency. Regular breaks – even if for 20-30 minutes – will help relax your mind and provide the required respite from studies. Maintain this balance of study and breaks.

10. Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers

Along with the revision schedule in the last month before the CA Foundation Exams, you must also focus on solving past exam papers. Understand answer writing patterns, analyse your solutions with suggested answers, and identify knowledge gaps. It provides exam-like practice and evaluates your current state of readiness. Ensure you can complete the full question paper within the stipulated total time in a timely manner.

11. Stay Motivated and Confident

Finally, remain motivated and be confident in your preparations rather than panicking under exam stress later. Believe in the consistent efforts you have put in daily for months, and aim to give your best shot. Think positive, avoid negative discussions and have faith in your knowledge and abilities. Eat healthy, exercise, and use relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation to calm your mind. Extra self-confidence really helps during final performance in exams when required to apply your learnings.


Preparing thoroughly for CA Foundation exams and passing them in the very first attempt should be your target. Remember – consistency in following a fixed study schedule dedicatedly, along with ample practice of problems and revision of concepts, is the key to successfully clearing this exam. Prepare diligently using the above tips and pass with flying colours in June 2024. All the very best!

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