Invisalign treatment including Invisalign Moderate to correct your orthodontic discrepancies

Invsialign is a cutting-edge technology to straighten the teeth. Unlike regular braces this technology straightens the teeth without a pinch of self consciousness or embarrassment that is invariably associated with regular braces. However this revolutionary procedure to straighten the teeth has certain disadvantages and it is important that you be aware of its limitations right from the beginning. This will help you taking an informed decision. The pros of Invisalign are many and include the following –

  • Just as the name implies, the range of aligner trays remains virtually invisible inside your mouth and as a result it is literally impossible for anyone to gauge that you are undergoing any orthodontic treatment to straighten the teeth. 
  • The range of orthodontic appliances is also much easier to maintain and clean compared to the other alternative options.
  • It also proves to be much less painful compared to conventional metal braces.
  • Most importantly Invisalign offers much greater convenience in your day to day life compared to the other alternative treatment options that modern orthodontic dentistry offers.

Zero in upon an orthodontic procedure is never that easy because cost is a vital factor to consider; Invisalign is no different.

What is the cost of invisalign treatment in the UK?

It is better answering the question when it is broken down to more specific queries and then answering those queries one at a time suggests a dentist in London who possesses significant expertise in Moderate Invisalign.

How much does Invisalign cost in the UK?

Invisalign is a bespoke orthodontic procedure and is not a “one size fits all” kind of approach that is equally suitable for one and all. The cost of the treatment varies widely. Your treatment may get over within the price tag of £1,500 or you have to shell out £5,000 and above depending on the level of complexity involved in your case. In order to understand the scenario with greater ease let us consider normal circumstances here. When you are free from any other dental ailment and suffer from moderate misalignment of the teeth then you have to pay within the range of £2,500 to £3,500 for your treatment orthodontic discrepancies.

However this quotation range may or may not cover the aftercare cost; even the price of the retainers may be further included with it.

Which one is cheaper in the UK – conventional metal braces or Invisalign?

Conventional fixed braces usually costs within the range from £1500 to £2500 in the UK. The cost varies on certain factors like the kind of preparation your teeth need before the treatment, how much straightening is required in your case and others. Considering these factors Invisalign may cost as much as conventional braces or a little higher given a specific case.

Now the question that automatically pops up is why it is still more preferred than almost any other orthodontic option. However the reason is not difficult to understand says a dentist who deals in the Invisalign moderate system apart from other versions of the revolutionary technology to straighten the teeth.

Even if Invisalign costs you a little more it saves you from lots of complexities as well as hassles related to the standard treatment using conventional metal braces. Invisalign works silently and helps you achieve your desired smile. When you are  on this cutting-edge orthodontic treatment there is just no need or scope of broadcasting your ongoing teeth misalignment treatment to the broader world orthodontic discrepancies.

How much is the minimal cost of Invisalign treatment in the UK?

There are different versions or types of Invisalign treatment available. You have to sign up for the correct treatment that suits you the best and for this you need advice from your treatment provider. For example –

  • Invisalign Express is meant for moderate cases of misalignment of the teeth and it can realign up to 20 teeth in your mouth.
  • Invisalign Comprehensive is meant for complex cases of teeth misalignment.
  • Invisalign Teen is ideal for teenagers who have fast changing dental structure.
  • Invisalign Lite is mostly suited for mild cases of teeth misalignment.

The minimum cost of the treatment irrespective of the version or type you choose will range from £2,500 to £3,000. These days a large number of dental practices offer finance option. Under those schemes you have to shell out anything between £30 and £50 a month for interest-free payment orthodontic discrepancies.

Is Invisalign covered in the NHS?

According to dentists working at the renowned Bayswater Dental Clinic in London, the answer is no; the NHS does not provide Invisalign treatment for orthodontic correction of your teeth. teenagers may still get conventional metal braces under the NHS scheme while the cost for private treatment will come around between £2,000 and £3,000.

Now let us quickly have an introduction with Invisalign Moderate – let us see what this package has to offer and who is this ideal for in the section below.

Invisalign Moderate

The Invisalign Moderate is a unique package which includes a maximum of 20 stages treatment option. The treatment goals of this version of Invisalign fall between Invisalign Lite and Invisalign Comprehensive packages. Treatment with this particular Invisalign version usually lasts within the range from 5 to 12 months. Dentists rely on this to cure cases of teeth malocclusion or misalignment ranging from mild to moderate. It can also correct cases of teeth overcrowding, spacing or gap between the teeth, vertical discrepancies, both anterior and posterior issues and such other problems. The Invisalign system is composed of three key elements, namely

  • SmartStage technology which programmes the movement of each tooth in a certain sequence at the right nick of time to facilitate better results and predictability related to the treatment
  • SmartTrack material is the Align Technology’s patented aligner material which facilitates gentle, calculated and more constant force to provide better control on tooth movement orthodontic discrepancies.
  • SmartForce features deliver the precise forces at the right time to facilitate more predictable movement of the teeth

Invisalign Moderate also includes these three elements. In addition to that the Invisalign Moderate package the well-known Invisalign specialist Bayswater Dental Clinic in London also includes various options that can be easily customised like bite ramps, precision cuts, compliance indicators and inter proximal reduction or IPR, etc. It is suitable for cases that are simple and all the teeth have come through fully. It is found to be effective in correcting crowding and spacing issues, vertical discrepancies and anterior posterior issues.

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